Our deepest thanks, respect, gratitude and appreciation go to ‘Our Dear
Farmers of Australia’ and all the communities who connect us to them and with each other.
They are essential to our survival, living-breathing,
health, happiness, safekeeping, and wellbeing.
City & Country
Beaches, Mountains, Coast.
Regional Australia.
Rural & Remote.
To Our Greatest! Outback Country.
Our Dear Farmers of Australia
Selina M Win Pe
Welcome to her new life story.
‘Strength does not come from physical capacity.
It comes from an indomitable will.'
Mahatma Gandhi.
This is a story of extraordinary resilience.
This story reveals how an individual has gone to unbelievable personal lengths on her own to help communities and ‘give back’ to those countless people who’ve supported her during the biggest challenges of her life.
It is about one person’s irresistible dedication to regional, rural and remote communities, and to supporting ‘local’, right across Australia.
Selina Win Pe has a heart of gold that carries so much love for so many others.
Her commitment to country people is endless and entirely selfless.
Yet her journey was born from significant personal trauma.
From the very beginning of her journey, she has invested significant personal savings and proceeds from the sale of her property to 100% support her journey and all she connects with, on her own.
This is a remarkable story about one person’s determination to bring people together – city to country, country to city.
The story honours our farmers, and the communities on which we all rely for our day-to-day living and survival. She credits them, and her support systems, for saving her life.
Selina Win Pe’s story is an inspiration to us all. It epitomises what it means to be an Australian.
“The best way to find yourself, is to lose yourself in the service of others.”
Mahatma Gandhi
She is thankful to country Australia, which she credits as instrumental in her recovery process.
In the past 6 years since her self-led and singlehandedly conceived and created idea began, on March 9, 2019. Selina has most sincerely gone on a journey to help others. In approximately 2000 days, she has not stopped representing, promoting, and championing for Australia’s farmers, farming & local first communities, farm animals (people, places and nature).
Selina Win Pe has travelled solo over 160,000 kilometres across three-quarters of country New South Wales, into the ACT, and across parts of Regional Queensland, Victoria & Tasmania.
She is a force in her own right.
She supports. She advocates. She connects
'Gratitude is the memory of the heart.'
Jean Baptiste Massieu
❤️ In – 2023 On the 12th June, Selina released her Book, UNTOLD TRUTHS.
And from the 11th July, 2023 Selina has travelled almost 55,000 kilometers in the giving away 100% of net proceeds of her book to communities in person across parts of Regional NSW, ACT, QLD, VIC & TAS travelling to many rural areas and townships.
So far Selina has given away just over $12,000 in food and fuel gift cards, directly into the hands of Farmers & Rural and is continuing her quest and this generosity until 31st December, 2024.
❤️ In – 2024 On the 1st May, 2024 a portrait of Selina, painted by amazingly talented & awarded Sydney artist Hye In Kim, was entered as a submission into the 2024 Archibald prize.
She is greatly honoured to have been included in such a prestigious event.
‘Caring For Others Is One Of The Greatest! Joys & Privileges ~ That We Have In Life’.
🌟It is an incredible honour, & my greatest! life privilege, ~ to share every aspect of this journey & it’s ~ caring & sharing with you.
✨Up to now, & all that is yet to come.
♥️Celebrating daily! All! our amazing! World Class, & Worlds Best Of The Best there is;
.. & to All whom our reach & its utmost! appreciation & unending! gratitude extends, (near & far, & far beyond);
♥️So looking forward, ~ to sharing our next trip for the year, with you, over coming days.
♥️And all that it will in deep reverence, respect and adoration, include.
🌟As we together, ~ continue to move forward ~ & into the Spirit Of Christmas time!, and thereafter, ~ into the New! Year.
♥️May you be healthy, happy & safe always.
🌟Everywhere you are..
Peace Love Namaste 🙏♥️🕊️🌾🇦🇺🌎🌾♥️👍👌🌟
#selinawinpe #community #love #australia #journeyoflove #thankfulheart #thankfulgratefulblessed #thankfulforyou #togetherathome #fortheloveoffood #thankafarmer #supportlocal #supportyourlocalfarmer #supportsmallbusiness #supportyourlocalbusiness #thankafarmerforyournextmeal #healthyfood #eatseasonal #freshfruitsandveggies #productofaustralia #australianproduce #agriculture #dairy #australianowned #akubra #dustndiesel #ringerswestern #homeiswheretheheartis #thiscountryaustralia #namaste🙏

‘Kindness Is A Gift, Of Courage & Love.
♥️Thankful For You All.
♥️For The Love, Courage, Strength & Its Safekeeping.
♥️And for the beautiful kindled ~ spirit of the one-community that we All! share together;
♥️Thank You, For Everything That You Do For Us. Every Single Day.
🌟Everywhere You Are (seen & unseen).
♥️May Love & Its Strength & Safekeeping, ~ Always Be Your Greatest Armour.
♥️May Health ~ Always Be Your Greatest Wealth.
🌟Hope the weekend is nothing short of Kind.
🌟With the remaining weeks, & days of this year, into the next, even Kinder.
Peace Love Namaste 🙏♥️🕊️🌾🇦🇺🌎🌾👍👌🌟
#selinawinpe #community #love #australia #sharinglove #kindnessmatters #togetherathome #australianagriculture #australiandairy #rural_love #regionalaustralia #ruralaustralia #outbackaustralia #citycountrycity #fortheloveoffood #thankafarmer #supportlocal #australianowned #supportsmallbusiness #werisebyliftingothers #akubra #ringerswestern #stickintogether #dustndiesel #ford #ampol #rmwilliamsoutbackmagazine #theresnoplacelikehome #thisiscountryaustralia #namaste🙏

‘Kindness Comes In Many Forms, But Always From The Heart’.
♥️May we always remember how we feel, when Kindness touches our heart, in the giving & receiving of it.
♥️And keep sharing its goodness, & spiritedness ~ even more! & at every opportunity ~ with those we value & Love:
♥️There is so much that I have left to share with you, before this year comes to an end.
♥️And also, all that I look forward to sharing with you at the start of next year, ~ that is especially timely, & meaningful in its own significance.
💫Here & now.. continuing where I last left off.
🌟Is the memory of ~ Day 2 at the fantastic! Bangalow Show, Northern Rivers NSW.
💫From witnessing the awesome! Horse Breed Class judging competitions, to the amazement of the Dog Trials.
⭐️To the highly! anticipated and most exciting to watch, the Campdrafting segment. (With some of our Worlds Best! mustering, mastering and hugely skilled & talented combination of Farmer - Rider, Horse & Cattle).
🌟Everything!! most thoroughly! & excitedly Enjoyed! ♥️Taking it all in and soaking it all up!
♥️Following this is my last few days in all! these heartwarming moments, at Home in Bangalow, Byron Bay & Newrybar.
♥️Thank you all! so so much! ~ for your Kindness, warmth, inclusiveness, support, Love & safekeeping.
🌟Extending this in sentiment to everyone on this journey (seen & unseen), ~ of almost 6! years.
♥️And the encouraging & empowering, strength, bravery & resilience’s. That I will continue to lean into now & in coming weeks.
🌟With well wishes & positive energy sent your way, everywhere you are..
♥️May you be safe now & always.
Peace Love Namaste 🙏♥️🕊️🌾🇦🇺🌎🌾♥️👍👌🌟
#selinawinpe #community #love #journeyoflove #togetherathome #australia #tasmania #thankfulforyou #gratitudedaily #agriculturelife #fortheloveoffood #ruralove #sharinglove #thankafarmer #supportlocal #thankafarmerforyournextmeal #supportsmallbusiness #australianfarming #agriculture #dairy #resilience #akubra #ringerswestern #dustndiesel #ford #ampol #rmwilliamsoutbackmagazine #theresnoplacelikehome #thisiscountryaustralia #namaste🙏

♥️Thank You For Everything That You Do.
⭐️HAPPY! AgDay!
⭐️Celebrating! National Agriculture Day 2024.
♥️THANK YOU ~ To Our World Class! Dear Farmers Of Australia 🇦🇺
♥️To All! Our World Class Local First, Communities Who Support Them, & Us.
🌟We greatly! value, appreciate, respect and admire..
♥️Everything that you do for us;
⭐️For ~ Our Food & Fibre.
♥️For The Nourishment That Fuels & Sustains ~ Our Health, Happiness & Safekeeping.
🌟For All! The Experiences & Enjoyment We Share In This Life Together.
♥️Thank You For The Enormous! Time, Cost, Effort, Sacrifices & Weathering All Sorts of Storms! ~ That You Persevere, & In All Circumstances (seen & largely unseen).
♥️So Grateful To Celebrate This Day, #AgDayAu
⭐️Right after! having arrived safely, from our fabulous! time in Queensland, Country, yesterday. And to be Home, in the Northern Rivers Region NSW.
🌟Attending my very first (of many! 🇦🇺), Agriculture Show Days, held in the homely surroundings of Bangalow. (Having already, experienced 2! amazing Agriculture Field days this year too!).
♥️Absolutely Delighted! & Over The Moon! ~ to have met so many wonderful and inspiring! Dear Farmers, and witnessed so many wonderful events.
♥️Welcomed! with open-arms! throughout the time spent, and met with big! hearts by everyone. (Greatly & most warmly, appreciated…)
⭐️More! to come & wholeheartedly, share.
♥️Today, Tomorrow & Always.
🌟Australia Together At Home:
🌟Supporting Australian Farming.
🌟Supporting Local, First.
♥️Supporting Each Other.
Peace Love Namaste 🙏♥️🕊️🌾🇦🇺🌎♥️👍👌🌟
#selinawinpe #community #love #australia #agdayau #nationalagricultureday #australianfarming #farmlife #celebratelove #celebratingyou #australianagriculture🌱 #australiandairy #fortheloveoffood #togetherathome #thankafarmerforyournextmeal #supportlocal #australianowned #supportsmallbusiness #strongertogether #akubra #stickintogether #ringerswestern #dustndiesel #fordaustralia #ampol #rmwilliamsoutbackmagazine #thankfulforyou #thisiscountryaustralia #namaste🙏

‘Sharing Love & Kindness, ~ Always Makes A Difference’.
💫A week ago, from over the near border of NSW/QLD from Home in the Northern Rivers side of NSW, (with cheerful! & warmhearted Homely-send offs in Bangalow, Byron Shire).
♥️We arrive safely right into the equally-warmhearted welcomes home! ~ in every way ~ into the South East of Queenslands, Scenic Rim region.
♥️Where we have been regularly returning, amongst the many wider, inland, parts of rural Queensland we’ve been to in the past 2+ years.
♥️Time this visit, of a few precious days. Most lovingly spent at the Homes on property (amongst friends, & Communities like-Family) in ~ Beechmont.
♥️Thoroughly immersing ourselves like a local! & made to feel like it, in the heartwarming familiarity of & that is the feeling you get in Canungra, ~ the Gateway into the spectacular! Scenic Rim region.
♥️Sharing our support & friendships in our much loved time in Beaudesert too.
⭐️So Very Special; to be here, on 11/11 Remembrance Day (as previously shared).
♥️Enjoying! every second with these beautiful! & warm-spirited Horses, gifted along the roads way.
♥️Taking in, the beauty & peace of the countryside ~ as we also drive to Warwick, & the backroads via Toowoomba to Blackbutt in the South Burnett region ~ all in a day.
🌟Pride-filled! to witness such healthy & happy cattle, of various breeds, (Angus, Brahman, Santa Gertrudis, Speckle Park, Crossbreeds & Holstein Dairy).
♥️As Ever Grateful! For everything that is done to support us everyday;
♥️Returning soon to the Northern Rivers, & so looking forward with great anticipation! to some New! agri-cultural experience-firsts! & including you ~ in whatever all comes next…
Peace Love Namaste 🙏♥️🕊️🌾🇦🇺🌎🌾♥️👍👌🌟
#selinawinpe #community #love #togetherathome #australia #tasmania #regionalqueensland #rurallife #rural_love #fortheloveoffood #thankafarmerforyournextmeal #supportlocal #australianowned #supportsmallbusiness #sharinglove #akubra #ringerswestern #stickintogether #ford #ampol #dustndiesel #rmwilliamsoutbackmagazine #journeyoflove #thisiscountryaustralia #namaste🙏